
I read a few Telegram channels, one of which recently posted about the fact that Saudi Arabia has terminated its agreement with the US to accept payment for its oil only in USD. I believe the writer sees this as part of the ongoing unravelling of the old order and ponders its significance. I penned the following, but was unable to post on his channel since he has quite wisely instituted restrictions on the length of replies and also does not allow long replies to be split over multiple posts. This indicates to me that he is actually running the channel on his own and does not have “staff” to manage the spam.

Anyway this is what I wrote :

I get that your commenting on this, is that you see it as part of the entire systemic unravelling that we’re currently witnessing. This system is ending, probably messily, because it is unsustainable and because those “in charge”, who really don’t know what they’re doing, have embraced some horrible ideas. But the attractiveness of USD versus any other currency is actually a pretty complicated subject, and not due solely to Saudi oil being sold solely in USD (or not), or for that matter US interest rates or Bond issuance levels. There are more significant factors at play.

The first is that, however bad things look for US debt levels, the issuance of US debt fulfills a global function. US bonds act as collateral for money creation in the global economy outside the US. As a simple example, Japanese banks issuing USD loans (“creating money out of thin air”) to Chinese companies, accept only US Bonds as collateral. This creates sustained demand for US Treasuries, because their value to the holder is not the payment of the Bond coupon or the return of the principal at redemption, but the value of the project they are used to fund, which, bit of a random guess, may have an ROI of anywhere from 30% to, I don’t know, 200% ?? A big number. The 5% yield on the Bond itself is irrelevant. The US financial markets are the biggest and therefore most liquid. No bank would accept Chinese bonds (no rule of law) or Japanese, (60% of the market is owned by the BoJ), certainly not Eurozone, since the Eurozone must eventually collapse and default (the ECB can’t create currency or borrow). There is no alternative to the US Bond market as collateral.

The second point is, Saudi oil notwithstanding, some huge percentage of international trade is settled in USD, so there is sustained demand for USD through usage. If I’m a Brazilian exporter, selling my product to 20 different countries and settling all in USD is far more efficient than having to settle in 20 individual currencies. Sure, Oil is the most important global commodity, and the Saudi move is ‘interesting’, but it is not clear what effect it will have, if any. KSA is still a ‘US aligned’ country and Oil will still be priced and traded in USD. All this talk of the BRICS creating their own currency is (currently still) laughable. To replace USD, all these currencies would have to agree to create either a new currency and it would have to be somehow collateralised. No one will use a Chinese Communist CBDC. China may be buying all the Gold, but this currency will never be Gold backed i.e. convertible. If any foreign party thinks they will be able to swap pieces of freshly printed paper for Chinese Gold and take it home, they will be very disappointed. Similarly, tokenised “ownership” of Chinese held Gold under a Chinese gold-backed CBDC is also laughable. China does not permit private property. Full Stop. If these countries, who are not really “allies”, try to set up some kind of clearing system they will still have the problem of where Gold is located, how to transport Gold from one location to another and under what conditions can balance transfers take place.

But the main problem of Gold backed currencies is that the supply of “money” is restricted to the amount of Gold available to back it. Since economic activity is fundamentally driven by the amount of currency available to flow within the economy and enable transactions, the restriction of this flow would immediately create deflationary collapse within the these emerging economies and the resulting social disruption would probably be terminal for any number of regimes unwise enough to try it. On the other hand, if these countries decide to replace USD in transactions they would have to print their own currency to act as ‘the means of exchange’. Since this could not be Gold backed, if it were instead unbacked, or backed by some irredeemable ‘notional’ value, then this would have the opposite effect of initiating a Weimar or Zimbabwe style collapse in the value of the currency, leading to hyperinflation.

At the deepest level, the current system is only the way it is because the US is willing to run a huge deficit, otherwise it would not need to borrow, its bonds would not be the backing of the world’s fiat currency banking systems and its currency would not be the global currency of trade and finance. This is the product of the Anglo free market system and its resulting 20th century ascent to global dominance, and has enabled the US to project force throughout the world, debatably to the detriment of any involved, not least the US itself. The flip side of this is that the rest of the world is engaging in mercantilism, trying to run surpluses and accumulate wealth domestically at the expense of their trading partners. Which of these countries would choose, or be able, to reverse roles ? None, of course.

Under these circumstances, the most probable outcome of these initial attempts at “de-dollarization” will be completely perverse. USD will increase in value in the coming years. As these threats of devaluation of non US currencies become clearer, all asset holders outside the US will come to view the US as the only safe haven and start to transfer as much of their wealth there as possible. This is why the US dollar will go much higher against all world currencies and why, having bought those USD, foreigners will buy US assets; the primary beneficiary will be the most liquid US stocks. These inflows will do a lot to sustain US fiscal profligacy for a few more years, so the increase in US interest rates will not be harmful to the US’s ability to service this debt, since they will be able to refinance it for a long time to come with continued foreign buying. The Fed’s ‘ace in the hole’ is that all the gold on its balance sheet is valued at $35 an ounce (or something equally unrealistically low). So for the next few years USD will outperform all other fiat currencies, but in the end, Gold will ultimately outperform USD.

Once digital money is forced on us, then private digital money will take the place of public (government) digital money in private transactions and we will end up with two tier money. Probably not BTC on the main chain, (although Lightning network is very interesting with some great privacy projects like NOSTR), or some other privacy coin like Monero (XMR) or Pirate Chain (ARRR), which will be decided by the market.

But whatever happens, “they” won’t win.

What’s next…

Well this guy is a total extremist…

For everyone waiting for the perfect scientific paper to prove what’s in the Covid genetic “vaccines” or double blinded animal or human studies let me just say— this isn’t a court of law. This isn’t an academic exercise. This is a war zone. Want to know what’s going on? You need to apply military intelligence type of approach. Connect the dots. And there are many. First listen to the perpetrators— eg Fauci emails and numerous whistleblowers. Second look at the easily accessible data. For example- there is a ton of basic science info on GO and there are numerous papers on cationic lipids that should convince normal people that there are serious biologic damages which were not overcome as late as 2018. And those papers predict the problems we are seeing now. Animal studies confirmed risk of ADE and MIS but we want to wait for more evidence before stopping this just on the basis of reasonable caution. Military research such as the nanotechnology program with ARMY/ MIT show you the overt non- classified research which is scary enough. And then the data sets from all over: Dmed ONS and now German and US actuaries showing grossly elevated “All Cause Mortality” figures the likes of which we’ve never seen. Pure and applied science is awesome, and well constructed documented studies are great. But they are not the only source of situational understanding. At some point we need to come to terms with the fact that we and our children are being murdered and depopulation and sterility are going to drastically alter our world. We are already seeing death rates 42% higher than normal ( and this is just ramping up). Deaths among young males are particularly alarming. Still births and infertility being reported all over. Miscarriages estimated at 20x normal.

Wars are named after the fact. WWI wasn’t called WWI till WWII was fought and done. We don’t call this the “War against humanity” yet…. We are not just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We are rowing away in a life boat and— instead of planning our route and survival strategies— we are still talking about whether the deckchairs on the sinking ship behind us need rearranging. Lets concentrate on this:

  1. Our military reportedly is 70%+ vaccinated and there have been at least a 10 fold increase in medical visits by troops in 2021, the year of the vaccine, including a 1000% increase in neurological diagnoses and 300% increase cancer. Neither China nor Russia used these technologies on their militaries.
  2. All first responders, border patrol, police, firefighters and medical personnel are being vaccinated.
  3. If mortality and declining birth rates continue, what does our world look like in 2 or more years with potentially 40-50% fewer people especially affecting the Western World.
  4. How will we cope with that demographic shift.?

We should be war gaming the future. Let’s look right now at birth rates, see the trend, predict the trajectory. Take action. Prepare for increased disability. Restructure our communities to care for people outside of hospitals which are clearly captured agencies. How can we secure our borders with non traditional means if military readiness significantly reduced? Without firing a shot America is being disarmed and left vulnerable.

We have no more time for the perfect research study that will give us the unified COVID truth— nor for improved deck chair management.

So much for that. For a less lyrical view there’s this.

“The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants – or possibly any other virus. So let’s watch the “real” pandemic begin now! In its Week 42 “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report”, the UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of vaccination”. It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is essentially permanent.

What does this mean? We know that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus (indeed, the report elsewhere shows that vaccinated adults are now much more likely to be infected than unvaccinated ones). The British now find that the vaccine interferes with the body’s ability to make antibodies after infection not only against the spike protein but also against other parts of the virus. In particular, vaccinated people do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. In the long term, the vaccinated are far more susceptible to any mutations in the spike protein, even if they have already been infected and cured once or more. The unvaccinated, on the other hand, will gain lasting, if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected with it even once.


The first insurance companies are backing down because a huge wave of claims is coming their way. Anthony Fauci confirms that the PCR test cannot detect live viruses. Anthony Fauci confirms that neither the antigen test nor the PCR test can tell us whether someone is contagious or not!!! This invalidates all the foundations of the so-called pandemic. The PCR test was the only indication of a pandemic. Without PCR-TEST no pandemic For all the press workers, doctors, lawyers, prosecutors etc. THIS is the final key, the ultimate proof that the measures must all be lifted immediately must be PLEASE SHARE” Please copy and paste this in as many comments as you can do not try and post this on your main Facebook page as it will be taken down by Facebook let’s spread the word”


TLDR : UBI won’t work.

There is ‘value’ (which is stored work) and ‘money’ which is tokens which ‘represent’ or are ‘backed by’ as in ‘exchangeable for’, that value.

Let’s say there are 1000 value.
There are 1000 token in circulation. 1 token is exchangeable for 1 value.

Over the course of a year, some people do work, which increases the stock of value by 10%. Other people sit on the couch smoking/drinking/causing harm to their health.

At the end of the year, the people who did the work expect to get the claims on the stored value representing the work they put in to increase it. Illnesses caused by health harms increase, requiring more expenditure on health care, which diminishes the stock of value. The amount of value available for distribution is therefore decreased. Under the UBI system, the claims on this reduced value are distributed to others. People who harmed the system benefit. People who contributed to the system are penalised. Next year those doing the work don’t bother doing any work because they’re not going to be the beneficiaries of the labour.

Other scenario of failure. The global government commits to deliver 100 tokens each year in UBI, but value only goes up by 50 value, therefore more tokens now exist than value. This causes inflation which does not increase human wellbeing and CANNOT create value.

This is why aggregate societal wellbeing always declines under socialism and always increases under capitalism.

So no, UBI won’t work but it will be used by the globalists to destroy every shred of individual liberty in order to institute such a system The self harmers will vote for it because they selfishly want to be better off at others’ expense and the value creators will go elsewhere.

Digital Identity

I was recently asked as part of an application to take part in a technical program (related to the building of digital IDs using blockchain technology), what my superpower was and what I would use it for and how villains would try to misuse it (or something like that). I assumed it was meant to be humorous, but this was my reply.

My superpower is appearing supremely dull and uninteresting while possessing piercing insight and analytical powers. I would like to empower individuals, aka humanity, via technology. Villains, i.e. governments and other mafias, are increasingly seeking to use technology to control individuals.

We are truly at an inflection point in human development. Software is taking over the world. This technological advance has produced the capability to communicate and work with fellow humans from across the entire globe. Advances such as this have also occurred across a whole range of disciplines and spheres. This new technological interconnectedness creates huge new opportunities from the benefits of cooperation, but also produces great non-linearity which makes the future more unpredictable. Unpredictability represents unforeseeable threats.

Governments have a primary agenda, which is continuation of government, whereas humanity has (or should have) a primary agenda which is continuation of the existence of humanity. Governments view technological empowerment of the individual as a fundamental threat, since the cooperation it permits disproves the requirement for centralised control and exposes the failures of centralised control. Governments are therefore seeking to use technology as the means of maintaining supremacy.

We are already seeing this with “vaccine” passports etc., which are actually nothing more than movement licences. Coming soon : social credit score, online centralised government databases, online centralised non government databases which can be coerced by government agencies under threat of legal sanction, video surveillance using facial recognition, monitoring of all online activity, censoring of online comment not in keeping with the official (usually untrue) narrative, CBDCs with in built programmability to limit the freedom to spend. This pathological behaviour is now normal from those who secure public office across the entire planet. Their intentions have been made clear.

We cannot stop this technological advance but we can provide a cooperative and anti-authoritarian alternative to centralised government controlled systems.

Cooperation takes different forms, but all require trust. Commercial cooperation is founded on contract; the ‘actionability’ of contracts enables the parties to trust each other. Other forms of cooperation, such as voluntaryism, are founded on free will and mutual understanding which leads to trust and this enables the choice of doing something because it is good or right, rather than required by threat of sanction.

Trust is absolutely the key component of cooperation. In the digital world, identity is absolutely the key component of trust.

The challenge we face is to create the means of allowing individuals to possess their own digital identity without allowing that identity (and all its associated data) to become the property of the state.

By providing for a privately controlled digital identity, we maintain the ability for the individual to maintain their autonomy. Autonomy is the essential component of integrity. Integrity is the essential component of good judgement. And good judgement (like not trying to genetically engineer viruses in labs to be more harmful to humans) is what is needed to avoid falling prey to unforeseen non linear threats.

Democracy & Utopia

originally here :

If only people realized.

Utopia changes in parallel with reality, complete with all human magnificence and failings. It is the best we can do in the circumstances… which are always changing. Thus, Utopia is dynamic and cannot, strictly, be looked at or identified because the moment you’ve seen it, it has changed

Authoritarian politics is run by people who think they must be right, meaning obedience by everyone else is compulsory. It assumes a fixed Utopia either as the status quo or some promised Heaven on Earth, to con people into accepting mindless obedience and conformity, aka mental subjugation

Democracy is the only system that exists to find out what to do. It is ideal to engage with change and to constantly focus on an ever changing Utopia.

This is staggeringly simple. But all I hear is people attacking democracy talking about tyranny of the majority and saying voters are stupid, venal and incapable of understanding sensible compromise necessary for positive cooperation. They say democracy ushers in authoritarianism. As they gleefully destroy the only system that can engage with change and is not authoritarian, they are the stupid ones

The almost total failure of the Universities to make any significant advance in political and social theory for 70 years caused this. They should be urgently held to account. Civilization needs foundations- all they have done is undermine society.


originally here :

There is a danger of a massive assault on an assumed social and political freedom. The right of everyone to spend money as they wish, with a few exceptions, may soon be history

“Programmable money is designed with in-built rules that constrain the user. These rules could mean that money expires after a fixed date or its use is restricted to a certain set of goods. This would affect digital currency acceptance and has obvious legal implications.”

““There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way. But at the same time it could be a restriction on peoples’ freedoms.”

It is staggering people seem unaware what’s happening in plain sight. In Britain, this could be the greatest change in money since the end of over 300+ years of the de facto slavery of serfdom introduced by Normans and the arrival of ‘the cash nexus’. Victorian Tommy or Truck shops and payment in company tokens were, rightly, made illegal.

We could see an attempt to destroy the fundamental right and freedom for individuals to spend their money as they wish. The key is in the word ‘their’. “…. it could be a restriction on people’s freedoms.” As understatements go, this takes the biscuit. “Socially harmful” ? More like: ‘socially catastrophic’

That this is being discussed, with little or no apparent understanding of the enormity and danger of such meddling, speaks volumes. Politicians may believe they can, at last, control markets. The Bank of England and, it seems, most British politicians resemble a 12 year old holding a sub-machine gun wondering if it might be a good idea to use it to scare the pigeons instead of sticking to an air gun or catapult

The sheer disrespect is breathtaking. The plan appears to be to reduce the rights that go with the possession and use of money. Politicians, bankers and the super-rich, being ‘responsible people’, will retain the right to use money as they wish. The rest of us may soon find we will only be allowed to spend in a way the state thinks is good for us. What they might really mean is ‘what is good for the state’. The impact on national prosperity with the possible eradication of the black economy is unknown.

It may sound strange, but many of the super-rich are frightened. Although isolated, I suspect a number may oppose any plan to reduce money held by the vast majority to little more than a device to permit approved behaviour knowing, in time, such imprisonment could be the final straw

I know this sounds extreme. But the possibility of state manipulation of the right to spend is an enormous step. Among other things, it could be a spectacular assault on the principle of trust and respect. Without these, what happens to compromise and cooperation that hold commercial activity and society together?

Marxist Intersectionality

Originally posted here :

Politicians keen to strip individuals of agency try to transfer it to abstractions without agency. Classes do not exist as physical things but individuals do. A class can be identified by wealth, culture, religion, or bodily features. Quite ghastly.

This is most convenient for ideologues intent on domination. In a cake-and-eat it approach, abstractions are fit for group punishment. Individuals stripped of agency are blamed and punished en masse, regardless of belief, kindness, intention or humanity. It is malicious, unjust and inhuman to smear wholesale guilt on people.

But classes are crucial in the inter-subjective. There, skin colour can be super-important; for others, it’s money and, for millions, it is caste. Caste is a class(ification). It is possible for a class to have agency in the inter-subjective but a non-sense in the physical world.

We share an interest in respect for individuals. Being individual is common to all, except ideologues who need rescuing from close to total servility and denial of their own humanity. The individual and the collective are not opposites, as if supporting one denies the other. This cruel and somewhat stupid attitude often held by highly educated people, is based on ignorance of the inter-subjective.

A long line of, usually, academic theories from Marxism through to today’s Relativist philosophies and Woke prompt people to dismiss common humanity with the immature blyth certainty of spoilt 13 year old know-alls

When you hear people talking politics as if it were all about oppression of one abstraction over others, listening between the words, what they really mean, is the denial of individual agency and human morality in favour of mass guilt, and punishment backed by an attitude close to criminal judgementalism. And guess who will carry the banner of this poisoned ‘justice’?

I am astonished that we put up with such unjust and cruel behaviour. Perhaps it is because there has been virtually no progress understanding how society works for over 70 years. Where science and technology made massive advances, thanks to Relativist philosophers, and I suspect political influence, we are now threatened by people intent on forcing inter-subjective affairs onto physical reality.

As non-logic, a product of the suspension of the rule of non-contradiction exists in the inter-subjective, they are trying to force illogicality onto reality. Colonisation of the sciences is part of the project. At best, this is a recipe for injustice, and social disaster at the worst. They play with fire, like 13 year olds left alone with a box of matches.

Pushers on phones use phenomenal technology to sell drugs. Meanwhile, abstractions are on the way back thanks to people worse than thieves intent on the destruction of knowledge and society to sate their lust for moral supremacy. Deniers of humanity usually, a few years on, wish they had never been so stupid.