Daniel Jupp writes:
The betrayal of Brexit has been total – Dan Jupp states it clearly:
Britain voted to leave the EU.
Everyone understood what that meant. Members pay into the EU. Non members do not. Members follow EU policies and regulations. Non members do not. Members align with EU policies, regulations and taxes. Non members do not. Members let the EU have a say on their laws, their taxes and their borders. Non members do not.
Everyone knew all this, which is why the pro-EU side were so horrified by the vote to leave.
It meant a radical departure from all EU control and a completely independent, sovereign future. That’s what Brexit is, and that’s what Britain voted for.
Instead we got the entire establishment refusing to implement the vote. We got the EU making demands. We got Labour, Lib Dems and most Tories fighting it and refusing to put it in place.
Theresa May tried to sell non Brexit as Brexit. A deal that meant still paying the EU and still obeying the EU. That was rejected.
Boris Johnson promised Brexit. So he got huge public support. Boris Johnson promised Brexit. So he got into power and an 80 seat majority as millions of people wanting Brexit switched from Labour.
Then he delivered the May deal, word for word. Non Brexit. We sold out the integrity of our national borders. We kept paying and obeying. We kept aligning, meaning we shackled ourselves to an uncompetitive model and squandered every advantage of leaving the EU.
Like a slave who thinks that taking off his chains then putting them back on voluntarily means he is a free man.
Now Rishi signs up to yet another deal. There’s only one kind of deal with the EU. It’s the same kind of deal a prostitute makes with a client. If you can make a deal with them, the whole point is that you have agreed to be fucked. That’s the whole basis of the deal.
The EU, like other globalists, have no concept of mutual benefit. You agree to be fucked and they will grace you with a smile. You refuse to be fucked and they will call you names and try to destroy you. Either way friendship is an impossibility. Either way your nation is getting fucked. The only way you benefit is if you also want your nation damaged and are happy to take some kind of bribe to help that happen.
Every British PM since Thatcher has been happy to take the bribe and damage their nation. She was the very last to say no, and actually mean it. She was ousted precisely because she stopped saying yes. That was 33 years ago. Boris only pretended to want what we voted for. So for 33 years we have been continually ruled by people whose actions technically fit the definition of treason.