TLDR : UBI won’t work.

There is ‘value’ (which is stored work) and ‘money’ which is tokens which ‘represent’ or are ‘backed by’ as in ‘exchangeable for’, that value.

Let’s say there are 1000 value.
There are 1000 token in circulation. 1 token is exchangeable for 1 value.

Over the course of a year, some people do work, which increases the stock of value by 10%. Other people sit on the couch smoking/drinking/causing harm to their health.

At the end of the year, the people who did the work expect to get the claims on the stored value representing the work they put in to increase it. Illnesses caused by health harms increase, requiring more expenditure on health care, which diminishes the stock of value. The amount of value available for distribution is therefore decreased. Under the UBI system, the claims on this reduced value are distributed to others. People who harmed the system benefit. People who contributed to the system are penalised. Next year those doing the work don’t bother doing any work because they’re not going to be the beneficiaries of the labour.

Other scenario of failure. The global government commits to deliver 100 tokens each year in UBI, but value only goes up by 50 value, therefore more tokens now exist than value. This causes inflation which does not increase human wellbeing and CANNOT create value.

This is why aggregate societal wellbeing always declines under socialism and always increases under capitalism.

So no, UBI won’t work but it will be used by the globalists to destroy every shred of individual liberty in order to institute such a system The self harmers will vote for it because they selfishly want to be better off at others’ expense and the value creators will go elsewhere.