originally here :
If only people realized.
Utopia changes in parallel with reality, complete with all human magnificence and failings. It is the best we can do in the circumstances… which are always changing. Thus, Utopia is dynamic and cannot, strictly, be looked at or identified because the moment you’ve seen it, it has changed
Authoritarian politics is run by people who think they must be right, meaning obedience by everyone else is compulsory. It assumes a fixed Utopia either as the status quo or some promised Heaven on Earth, to con people into accepting mindless obedience and conformity, aka mental subjugation
Democracy is the only system that exists to find out what to do. It is ideal to engage with change and to constantly focus on an ever changing Utopia.
This is staggeringly simple. But all I hear is people attacking democracy talking about tyranny of the majority and saying voters are stupid, venal and incapable of understanding sensible compromise necessary for positive cooperation. They say democracy ushers in authoritarianism. As they gleefully destroy the only system that can engage with change and is not authoritarian, they are the stupid ones
The almost total failure of the Universities to make any significant advance in political and social theory for 70 years caused this. They should be urgently held to account. Civilization needs foundations- all they have done is undermine society.