Originally posted here : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6850772685568401408/

Politicians keen to strip individuals of agency try to transfer it to abstractions without agency. Classes do not exist as physical things but individuals do. A class can be identified by wealth, culture, religion, or bodily features. Quite ghastly.

This is most convenient for ideologues intent on domination. In a cake-and-eat it approach, abstractions are fit for group punishment. Individuals stripped of agency are blamed and punished en masse, regardless of belief, kindness, intention or humanity. It is malicious, unjust and inhuman to smear wholesale guilt on people.

But classes are crucial in the inter-subjective. There, skin colour can be super-important; for others, it’s money and, for millions, it is caste. Caste is a class(ification). It is possible for a class to have agency in the inter-subjective but a non-sense in the physical world.

We share an interest in respect for individuals. Being individual is common to all, except ideologues who need rescuing from close to total servility and denial of their own humanity. The individual and the collective are not opposites, as if supporting one denies the other. This cruel and somewhat stupid attitude often held by highly educated people, is based on ignorance of the inter-subjective.

A long line of, usually, academic theories from Marxism through to today’s Relativist philosophies and Woke prompt people to dismiss common humanity with the immature blyth certainty of spoilt 13 year old know-alls

When you hear people talking politics as if it were all about oppression of one abstraction over others, listening between the words, what they really mean, is the denial of individual agency and human morality in favour of mass guilt, and punishment backed by an attitude close to criminal judgementalism. And guess who will carry the banner of this poisoned ‘justice’?

I am astonished that we put up with such unjust and cruel behaviour. Perhaps it is because there has been virtually no progress understanding how society works for over 70 years. Where science and technology made massive advances, thanks to Relativist philosophers, and I suspect political influence, we are now threatened by people intent on forcing inter-subjective affairs onto physical reality.

As non-logic, a product of the suspension of the rule of non-contradiction exists in the inter-subjective, they are trying to force illogicality onto reality. Colonisation of the sciences is part of the project. At best, this is a recipe for injustice, and social disaster at the worst. They play with fire, like 13 year olds left alone with a box of matches.

Pushers on phones use phenomenal technology to sell drugs. Meanwhile, abstractions are on the way back thanks to people worse than thieves intent on the destruction of knowledge and society to sate their lust for moral supremacy. Deniers of humanity usually, a few years on, wish they had never been so stupid.