I saw a recent post in CapX which I found utterly laughable.

It suggested that we should create a new Hong Kong in the UK and relocate hundreds of thousands of people here. No disrespect to the Hong Kong BNOs, but idea that we can institute a 15% tax rate in a specific area of the UK because it would be good for economic growth (which is true) and not then institute a 15% tax rate throughout the UK as a whole is intellectually dishonest. It simply won’t happen.

I have detected amongst much of the social media comment, a kind of adoption of the narrative that ‘there is nothing we can do because it’s China’. There’s a sense of resignation permeating our politics.

I spoke to a Singaporean friend today and his comment was that ‘HK is a shithole now. There’s no way China is going to back down’.

This need not be true.

First of all, China is in breach of an international Treaty, the Sino British Joint Declaration of 1984. This was to resolve the issue of the 150 year lease of New Territories, which was due to expire in 1997. At the time, Deng Xiaoping assured Maggie Thatcher that he was steering China towards a more democratic system of government and under these influences, the UK also agreed to hand over Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, which had been ceded in perpetuity to the UK, on condition that Hong Kong independence would be maintained for 50 years until 2047.

The 2019 institution of an arrest warrant applicable in Hong Kong which would not be subject to Hong Kong judicial review, even where the alleged crime for which extradition was sought was not a crime in Hong Kong was the first trespass on Hong Kong law. The UK remained silent.

Ever since then the situation has deteriorated.

Trumps speech earlier however was electrifying.

These guys get it totally. Boris and Raab should be ashamed of themselves.

But anyway here’s the thing. We can still retrieve the situation.

China under the CCP is viewed with suspicion and hostility by powers in the region.

Therefore, the obvious approach is for the Anglosphere 5 to form a political coalition with other regional powers, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and even Vietnam, and it would probably also include Thailand and Singapore to form an economic blockade against China.

The world’s economies are currently all disrupted, so fear of economic damage is no longer an impediment to instituting economic sanctions against China. All those countries should jointly issue notification to China of their immediate rescinding of recognition of China’s membership of the WTO and institute an immediate customs halt on all imports from China.

The central banks of all those countries should immediately prohibit all the banks licensed within their regulatory orbit from accepting or making any payment to any Chinese or Hong Kong bank.

At the same time they should issue a demand that China immediately vacates the illegally occupied Spratley islands.

They should demand that Carrie Lam immediately stands down as leader of the Hong Kong government.

They should demand that Hong Kong holds free and fair elections to replace the CCP placemen in the Hong Kong legislature.

Given the failure by the British to consult Hong Kong people before handing over Hong Kong and Kowloon, when 70% of Hong Kong people were in favour of British rule, and given the fact that China has now explicitly abrogated the Treaty, they should also demand that the Hong Kong people be given a referendum on whether they want independence from China, to stand as a free and independent nation in perpetuity.

This will bring about the collapse of Xi’s regime. This should certainly now be the world’s objective. He is a nasty thug whose government has imprisoned Uyghurs and Falun Gong and murdered them for their organs.

Do not be under any illusion about the barbarity of the Chinese Communist Party. As president Trump alluded to in his speech tonight, as discussion around the handover occurred, and following the conclusion of the 1984 agreement, the world had hoped that the spirit of liberty in Hong Kong would come to infect the whole of China.

Five years later, this nascent yearning for freedom by PRC Chinese was brutally put down in Tiananmen Square. Chinese army soldiers shot unarmed protesters. Armoured vehicles crushed their bodies and minced them into a pie of human flesh and bone which was then incinerated and the ashes flushed into the sewage system. Utter inhumanity.

The virus has shown that all humanity is connected. What happens anywhere happens everywhere. I don’t know if this is true, but supposedly President Kennedy had a placque somewhere with the inscription, “Where We Go One, We Go All”. This is certainly now true. The Chinese Communist Party is a threat to all of mankind, which makes the attempt by Cameron and Osborne to cosy up to the murderous mafia don Xi, all the more sickening.

Hong Kong is a microcosm of the issues facing the world and the parallels with Brexit are screaming at us. We have to act now. The people of Hong Kong absolutely have the right to their freedom, just as do we all.

I am deadly serious. This is as important as facing down Nazism and the Soviet Union in the 20th century and as technology more than ever before in our history has the power to enslave or free us, our choice now in favour of freedom is required to determine what kind of future humanity will have.